Joe Tatum is beautiful both inside and out. Seriously though, you should check his innards. They’re pretty stellar.* Hailing from the grand metropolis of Richmond, Indiana, Joe graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University with a degree in psychology and leadership. He loves to talk about his past jobs as Mentoring Coordinator and Admissions Associate at Indiana Wesleyan University. Plus, he worked in Chicago with the Center for Student Missions (CSM) the summer of 2013, where he learned about poverty, homelessness, racial justice and reconciliation, and how to love those different from himself. Joe is highly involved in worship ministry at his home church and its church plant (not the church’s foliage).
He is highly interested in well–made film (typically the long, boring, award-winning ones) and television. Other random facts: he is left handed, was adopted when he was a baby, and has a best friend with the same name as him (with the first and middle names reversed, of course). So now that you know such intimate information about his life, you can go up to him and pretend that you've knows him for years, which will make him feel extremely awkward. It’s okay. He loves awkward moments, and in fact thrives on them.
From September of 2014 until July of 2015, Joe will be living in the inner city with an organization called Mission Year. He will be intentionally getting to know his neighbors and housemates, volunteering at a local organization four days a week, and partnering with a local church, among other things. Feel free to support him financially and/or through prayer during this time. Joe hopes that you enjoy this blog and discover more about his year, yourself, and God than you can ever imagine. He trusts that this has been the longest bio you've ever read, and hopes that it will be a suitable resource, should a Wikipedia page ever be made in his honor.
*Note: Innard stellarness has not actually been calculated. Also, “innard” is a pretty gross word, rivaling “moist” and “goiter” for the grossest word award.